VS Asset Approach to ESG - Focus on Basic Science

We believe in basic science

Basic science discoveries, such as Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, can take decades or longer to pay off in the form of profitable commercial applications. Without these discoveries, we lose the seeds that lead to entirely new industries.

Because the value propositions of basic research can be so distant, it is expected that the benefits will flow to society as a whole rather than to any original funder. This understandably discourages potential funders looking for a return, and is the reason that basic research is so often funded by governments.

Due to many factors, including demographic budget pressure, funding for basic science has been falling for almost 50 years.

We want to do what we can to help fill the void.

By choosing VS Asset you help fund basic science

We do not use ESG as a factor in choosing stocks or ETFs. Instead, we allocate a percentage of our fees to fund basic science research projects. The research proposals we will be funding will be evaluated by scientists, not bureaucrats, with a rapid turnaround.

It is truly about fundamental research we are interested only in evidence for a proposal, not its fashionability, salability or attractiveness.