Systematic Quantitative Investment Management Using Risk Timing™

VS Asset Management believes investors should be able to participate in the long-term rise in equity markets but without all of the risk of massive market drawdowns.

Today’s portfolios are continually exposed to risks that are unseen or ignored by currently available investment products.

Hidden risks negatively impact long-term portfolio returns while increasing volatility. This is why we have a “once-in-a-lifetime” crisis several times during our lifetimes.

VS Asset Management developed its Risk Timing™ methodology to mitigate these risks: sequential risks, correlation risks, opportunity risks (the risk of incorrectly sitting in cash) and risk spikes (Black Swan events).


VS Asset Management has been helping investors since 2016.

We believe investors using Risk Timing™ will:

  • Take advantage of the long-term rise in equity markets

  • Mitigate the downside risks of bear markets and large shock selloffs

  • Achieve above market returns with below market risks